The dreaded "no"!
Happy boy |
It's been a week since our last round of ABM sessions. Carson has continued to be a talking champ. He just loves to gab right now!
He is consistently and purposefully saying "mama". Yes that's right - he loves me!!! :)
He has also said "dada" which makes Kevin thrilled. Typically when saying daddy, it's been in a whisper and he just says "da". It's been a joke in our home that people will starting speaking Kevin's name with reverence from here on out. Now he's moving from a reverent "da", to a loud and proud "dada". Quite exciting.
And probably the word most feared by parents - "No" - has now been uttered. He isn't using it properly yet but he at least knows how to say the word. haha. But I'm sure the meaning behind it is around the corner :)
Carson loves petting (and kinda hitting) our dog, Kobe. Kobe loves to lick Carson like a popsicle. It's a mutual relationship of being in each others personal space. Just this week, Carson has been saying "Koko" for Kobe. So now Carson smiles at the mention of Kobe and says her name.
Lying on right side |
Also this week - we starting working with Diane, Carson's TVI (teacher of the visually impaired) to work on feeding. We typically put his food right on the tray of his high chair, but are now going to consistently use plates and bowls. Part of this is teaching Carson to know when all his food is gone and giving him opportunity to ask for more. As part of this, we always make a big deal of saying "all done". Carson is now saying that back to us :) And it seems that he is making the connection to what that phrase means!
Happy on his right side |
With physical changes - he isn't rolling completely over much anymore. I think its because he dislikes being on his tummy so much. But even though he's not rolling to his tummy, he is really getting the hang of rolling to his right side! Carson has always hated being on his right side - his head or his body. But even right now as I'm watching him play on the floor, he keeps rolling to his right side. So great to witness him learning his body and his 'place in space'. It's so exciting!
Keep it coming little man..................
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