It's been a rough first half of the year.....
Numerous family-shared illnesses, ER visits, personality changes in Carson, 2 surgeries, 2 recoveries....
As we get ready to start the second half of the year, I am trying to look forward to growth, to progression, to newness.
This morning we started ABM again, after a long hiatus It was so wonderful to see Naomi, our beloved ABM practitioner She was happy to see how aware Carson was - to see his "learning switch" on.
I am excited to be on a course of moving forward again.... but along with those excitements, comes fear, insecurity, and cautious optimism.
In Carson's short 2-1/2 years, we have seen so many baby steps forward, just to fall backwards again due to illness, medical concerns, surgeries.... we've seen so much excitement in something new he's doing, just to witness him backsliding when his body and mind have to concentrate on more critical issues.
I find myself being CAUTIOUSLY optimistic as I hope to see such great growth and development in him, but I am cautious as well to keep my expectations, my desires, from getting in the way of my joy over the small things.
So I'm trying to put 'myself' aside and just be here - be here for Carson - be here for the joy of any changes that occur. I am trying to keep my mind 'here', in the present - instead of many steps down the road. I am trying to keep my emotions 'here', allowing myself to feel the now, instead of feeling the disappointments and fears of the past or the 'anticipatory' disappointing or scary feelings of the future.
So.... yeah.... I'm here. Carson's here. ABM is here. Let's keep moving forward my precious boy... whatever that 'forward' looks like!
Looking beyond cerebral palsy, cortical visual impairment and hydrocephalus... our journey with the Anat Baniel Method.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
All Done
Sadly, we've been on an ABM hiatus for over a month now due to sickness. Cannot wait for the flu season to be OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes - I'm ALL DONE!
But that's not what else is "all done". Even though we haven't had any ABM sessions recently, Carson is continuing to expand his vocabulary. I have been working on him saying "All Done" when he is done with his food or drink. And now he can give us his first command! "All Done". He says it loud and proud.
Its backfired in a way since we are struggling recently with getting him to take in enough fluids each day - and its hard when he not only physically tells us he doesn't want his drink by pushing - but is now verbally telling us "all done". So cute - so frustrating - so wonderful.
I wanted to post a video of his new found words! And this is him being 'nice' about it. haha
But that's not what else is "all done". Even though we haven't had any ABM sessions recently, Carson is continuing to expand his vocabulary. I have been working on him saying "All Done" when he is done with his food or drink. And now he can give us his first command! "All Done". He says it loud and proud.
Its backfired in a way since we are struggling recently with getting him to take in enough fluids each day - and its hard when he not only physically tells us he doesn't want his drink by pushing - but is now verbally telling us "all done". So cute - so frustrating - so wonderful.
I wanted to post a video of his new found words! And this is him being 'nice' about it. haha
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Carson's New "Little Room"
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Daddy & Carson in his Little Room before we knew how to utilize it correctly :) |
My very wonderful and handy father put it together using peg board, plexiglass, PVC, and wire ties. We followed these directions from Wonderbaby.
We met with Carson's amazing & gifted TVI (teacher of the visually impaired) this week and she gave me some great ideas for different items to hang and how to hang them. I wanted to share what we did, in case there are others out there looking for ideas!
We used Round Elastic Cord that I purchased at JoAnn Fabrics. It is best to use elastic so that the child can pull the items to themselves closer, so they can examine them better. Because we made our Little Room a bit taller than the directions said, I cut each piece of cord about 18" long.
After double knotting the cord to each item, I slipped the cord into a hole from the top plexiglass or through the peg board on a side and I secured it with Sweatshirt Cord Stops that I also got from JoAnns. This allows me to lengthen or shorten the cord as needed.
It's important to try and find things of various colors, textures, shapes, sizes, temperatures, and weight. I found all my items at the Dollar Tree or in the dollar bins at Target.
Here is what we ended up with:
1) Plastic slotted spoon
2) 3 Plastic bangle bracelets
3) Bear toy whose body feels like a duster
4) Flimsy rubber trivet/hot pad
5) Plastic mardi gras chain necklace
6) Flat scratchy loufa. This one is in a clover shape.
7) Plastic
"canteen" in the shape of a baseball. I added beans to it for
8) Small metal slinky.
I 'curved' it into a round shape.
9) Large plastic slinky.
I 'curved' it as well - and I like that he can compare similar objects that have differences, side by side.
These items are all waiting to be hung........
10) Gardner glove with marbles in it for noise
11) Plastic heart valentine decor
12) Shiny curled ribbon
13) Soft loufa
14) Hair brush
15) Squooshy ball. It came with two but my daughter wanted one. I'm going to leave it in the net it came with.
16) Part of a shiny envelope (kinda has a bubble wrap feel to it and makes a crinkle noise)
17) Ketchup bottle. I'm going to fill it with beans for sound and will glue the lid shut.
18) Paint brush
19) Marbles in a net.
20) Soft hot pad
21) Ba ba bottle holder. We had this at home already. Its a rubber thing you put around a baby bottle to make it easier for the baby to hold.
22) Small metal flashlight. (Wanted to add some metal items for it to feel 'cold' to the touch)
23) Scratchy hair rollers
24) Dog ball I found with different bumps on it.
I was also looking for a net filled with reusable ice cubes, but never found them.
One 'tip' that our TVI recommended was that once you have items in place, to keep them there. She compared it to my bedroom.... I know where everything is and no one else comes in and moves the objects. After a few months, if you noticed an item is never played with, then it might be time to replace it. I didn't know this 'tid bit' so wanted to share it.
As soon as I get more cord stops, we'll get his Little Room all perfected. Can't wait to utilize this into our routine. Carson is really loving his Little Room. Here's a video of him in it today.
UPDATED 7/24/13
We've had Carson's little room for just over 5 months now. We use it on a daily basis! Since then, we've made a few improvements and a few changes to the items hanging.
We added different texture squares around the room. I took carpet, flooring, and turf samples that I found at Lowes, some different carpet samples we had at home, some small squares of a treadmill belt we had lying around, and some corrugated cardboard - and hot glued them all to a foam board I got at the dollar store. I used zip ties to secure it on 2 sides of the little room. I added a baby mirror that we had, to the third side of the room. Now if he touches the sides of the room with his hands or feet, he'll get to feel various textures. (plus, I like how it looks)

Also over time, we found some items were not safe for Carson to have - because he likes to put items in his mouth. We had to remove the shiny ribbon, the net bag with marbles and we had finally found the reusable ice cubes, but had to remove them within 10 minutes as he bit through one of the cubes. So take that into consideration if you have a child who puts items in their mouths. To take the place of those items, I've hung measuring spoons and a rattle in the shape of a frog.

Carson adores his little room. He loves his time in there! I highly recommend building a little room for any child that is visually impaired :)
UPDATED 7/24/13
We've had Carson's little room for just over 5 months now. We use it on a daily basis! Since then, we've made a few improvements and a few changes to the items hanging.

Also over time, we found some items were not safe for Carson to have - because he likes to put items in his mouth. We had to remove the shiny ribbon, the net bag with marbles and we had finally found the reusable ice cubes, but had to remove them within 10 minutes as he bit through one of the cubes. So take that into consideration if you have a child who puts items in their mouths. To take the place of those items, I've hung measuring spoons and a rattle in the shape of a frog.

Carson adores his little room. He loves his time in there! I highly recommend building a little room for any child that is visually impaired :)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Clap, Clap, Clap!
Carson is a rock star! That's not new news of course but what is new - Carson is clapping!!!!!!!!!!!! What adds to the excitement is - he taught himself! This was not something we purposefully taught him. I'd been seeing him do it for a few days, but it took me a bit to realize he was clapping!
I finally figured it out this weekend - Adrianna was entertaining us with a song, and I began to applause - what shocked me was when Carson starting giving his applause as well! Was awesome!
We got it on video here.
Verbally, he is just continuing to amaze us. He is mimicking and repeating so many words now. He's been mimicking sounds for a long while now - but now he is mimicking words. It's incredible and so beautiful to hear! He is moving toward connecting the words with the objects... so far he has "mama" and "Kogo" (aka our dog Kobe) down pat and a few other words. Love witnessing the progression of communication with him!!!!
Yesterday when his food was gone, without me saying it first, Carson said "all gone" by himself. Was so incredible. Of course he wouldn't do it again for the camera, but that's a-okay.
Also showing his rock star abilities - when I'm putting on his shirts, he will now extend his right arm to help me put his arm through the sleeve! He has done it a few times on his own, or will respond when I ask him to extend it and tap his elbow. Can't wait for assistance with the other 3 limbs someday, but for now, I'll take the help with the right arm :)
And just because I love to share about my son - his laugh is incredibly contagious.... tonight I caught daddy cracking him up, on video. Wanted to share the video!
I finally figured it out this weekend - Adrianna was entertaining us with a song, and I began to applause - what shocked me was when Carson starting giving his applause as well! Was awesome!
We got it on video here.
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Very sleepy boy at Seattle Children's Hospital this week. And yes, he helped me put on this shirt :) |
Yesterday when his food was gone, without me saying it first, Carson said "all gone" by himself. Was so incredible. Of course he wouldn't do it again for the camera, but that's a-okay.
Also showing his rock star abilities - when I'm putting on his shirts, he will now extend his right arm to help me put his arm through the sleeve! He has done it a few times on his own, or will respond when I ask him to extend it and tap his elbow. Can't wait for assistance with the other 3 limbs someday, but for now, I'll take the help with the right arm :)
And just because I love to share about my son - his laugh is incredibly contagious.... tonight I caught daddy cracking him up, on video. Wanted to share the video!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
The dreaded "no"!
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Happy boy |
He is consistently and purposefully saying "mama". Yes that's right - he loves me!!! :)
He has also said "dada" which makes Kevin thrilled. Typically when saying daddy, it's been in a whisper and he just says "da". It's been a joke in our home that people will starting speaking Kevin's name with reverence from here on out. Now he's moving from a reverent "da", to a loud and proud "dada". Quite exciting.
And probably the word most feared by parents - "No" - has now been uttered. He isn't using it properly yet but he at least knows how to say the word. haha. But I'm sure the meaning behind it is around the corner :)
Carson loves petting (and kinda hitting) our dog, Kobe. Kobe loves to lick Carson like a popsicle. It's a mutual relationship of being in each others personal space. Just this week, Carson has been saying "Koko" for Kobe. So now Carson smiles at the mention of Kobe and says her name.
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Lying on right side |
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Happy on his right side |
Keep it coming little man..................
Monday, January 7, 2013
Hugs, Tummy Time & Rocking Out... A Good Day
Today was a good day.
While waiting for Carson's ABM session this morning, Adrianna kept giving Carson hugs and kisses. It just made my morning! Carson DID receive a bath tonight though as Adrianna told me after giving hugs - "mommy, Carson needs a bath - he doesn't smell very good". hahaha.
During our 2nd session today, Naomi worked with Carson while he was on his tummy. He was well supported with pillows and blankets so he was comfortable. He was so great the entire time. On his tummy is his least comfortable or happy position - but he did excellent today. Naomi is working with him to help him organize his body so that he can continue being successful in his new rolling achievements (among other things as well of course). It was just uplifting to see him so content in that position.
Then tonight we received a belated Christmas present from grandma and papa - a rocking chair! Carson loves to rock. His only rocking has been in his high chair - where he can literally move his chair from one side of the dining room to the other. This new rocking chair will let him rock his little heart out - and be safe in doing so!!!! He fits in it great. We are using a velcro strap just to 'be safe' but he sits tall and strong in it!!!! When I first put him in it, he immediately starting talking away and enjoyed rocking. I even captured a video of him. He rocked even more after this video - what a stud he is.
It was a good day.
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Morning loves from sissy |
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ABM session on his tummy |
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Loving his new rocking chair! |
It was a good day.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Rollin' and a Rockin'
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Sleeping with his head to the right! Now he's rocking towards his right! RIGHT on! :) |
So, not only has our boy becoming a rockin 'roller' from his back to his tummy towards his left side, but now while on his back, he's rocking to the side towards the RIGHT! Not quite ready to roll to his right, but we have never seen him wanting to be on his right side - let alone intentionally moving in that direction! We've witnessed it a few times the last couple days.
My son is awesome.... that's all there is too it.
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